Sunday 21 October 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Trails

Well, after 10 great years at Nickelodeon, I have decided it's time to move on. While I am sad to be saying good bye the all the wonderful people at Nick, I am very excited about a new opportunity.

Craig McCracken has invited me to be the Supervising Director of his new series, "Wander Over Yonder," which he is producing with Lauren Faust.
The series probably won't be on the air until late 2013, so I won't have anything to post 'til then. However, if anyone has any questions about the Fairly Oddparents I was involved with - or TUFF Puppy, feel free to write.
With Every Good Wish,
Dave Thomas

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Welcome Back

Nickelodeon officially announced a new season of Fairly Oddparents yesterday at the Upfronts. The series will be produced concurrently with TUFf Puppy, so you can look forward to new episodes of both on Nickelodeon!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Farewell Ricky Garduno

I am sad to say that Ricky Garduno has passed away, losing a long battle with depression.

Ricky was a board artist on El Tigre. We had a lot of great artists on the show, but Ricky was special. His work always stood out.

Like his boards, Ricky was rebelious, anarchistic, and undisiplined. But also passionate, hilarious, and at times brilliant.

Ricky and I didn't always see eye to eye. But I will say this: Ricky was the closest thing to a true Artist that I've ever know. I admired him, and have often wished I had the courage to be more like him. He lived by his beliefs and his ideals. 

Ricky boarded the series finale of El Tigre. And it seems a fitting tribute to post that here.

Farewell, Ricky. You will be missed.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Working in animation is fun!

Every year Nickelodeon throws a Halloween party, and it's really special. Each crew transforms their work area into a haunted house, and gives out candy to the all the lucky kids who are invited.  This year the TUFF Puppy crew built King Mutt's tomb, and I wanted to share it with you.

It started out with a little animation of the Chief - which I did in Flash.
Then comes the amazing stuff! Like entrance to King Mutt's tomb:

Inside, we find the tomb is filled with booby traps!
And finally you come to the treasure chamber. And guess what? The treasure is CANDY!!
Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to craft such an amazing Haunted House!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lights Out

New week - new storyboard. Actually, an old board: Fairly Oddparents, Lights Out. I thought this episode would be really easy because so much of it happened in the dark - and from a draftsmanship point of view it was. But from a thinking POV it turned out to be a real challenge to keep things interesting and to imply all of the action in a clear way. Usually I split my time 50/50 between planning and drawing. this time it was 80/20.

Hats off to Kevin Sullivan for his fine script.

Lights Out

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sneak Peek!

Here's one of my favorite panels from an upcoming FOP special - drawn by the man himself: Butch Hartman!
What diabolical scheme could these losers be hatching?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dog Daze

Hey Everyone,

I finally figured out how to post full boards. In the future I'll be posting TUFF Puppy boards as the episodes air, and FOP stuff as well. First up is Dog Daze - my first Tuff Puppy assignment!

Dog Daze

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