Saturday 13 September 2014

Servey Bypass:-

Are you trying to reach a file or website, but a survey keeps blocking your progress? Surveys are a way for marketers to gather information, and many websites use them to make money. If you don’t want to enter your information, you’ll need to bypass the survey somehow. While bypassing surveys doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll reach the content you’ll want, it’s better than entering your personal information on a strange website. Read on after the jump to learn how.

Bypass Any Survey Tutorial 2014 

  1. Skip Surveys Step 1.jpg

Install the NoScript addon. This browser add-on blocks scripts from running on websites. It won’t work on all surveys, but it may work on some of them. The add-on is available for free for Firefox, but is not available for Chrome.
  • Click the Firefox button and then click Add-ons. Search for “NoScript” in the search box, and then add NoScript Security Suite to Firefox.
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Block scripts to try to disable surveys. Depending on the way the survey was programmed, you may be able to use NoScript to bypass it. When you load the page, you will see a bar appear on the bottom of the page. Click the Options button to tweak what is being blocked and bypassed.[1]
  • There is no guarantee that you will be able to bypass a survey with this method. If the file you are trying to access requires completing the survey, then you won’t be able to get the file.
  • There are script blockers available for Chrome, but they aren’t as powerful as the NoScript tool for Firefox.

Method 2 of 3: Using a Survey Removal Bookmarklet

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  1. 1
    Install the XJZ Survey Remover bookmarklet. This is a bookmarkable link that you can place in your bookmark bar. When you visit a site with a survey, you can click the bookmark to attempt to remove the survey.
    • You can find the XJZ bookmarkelet on the developer’s website. The bookmarklet is available for free. Simply drag and drop the link into your bookmarks bar to create the bookmark.
  2. Skip Surveys Step 4.jpg
Visit a site with a survey. Once the survey has opened, click the XJZ Survey Remover bookmarklet. The website will be reorganized, and if it was successful you will see the content that was blocked by the survey.[2]
  • This will only work for surveys that cover content. If you are trying to reach content that will only load after filling out the survey, this method will not work.
  • You can also install the XJZ Survey Removal browser extension, though this requires a small fee and is not guaranteed to work any better than the bookmarklet.

Method 3 of 3: Using Inspect Element

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Visit a website with a survey. You can use any of the major web browsers to access the Inspect Element function. This will allow you to disable certain elements of a website, potentially including the survey.

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Right-click on the survey. Choose "Inspect Element" from the drop down menu. This will open a developer window at the bottom of the browser. As you move the mouse over different parts of the website, you will see different objects highlighted on the screen.

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Look for “survey” and “overlay” entries. As you highlight different parts, look for the words “survey” and “overlay” in code. These are the elements that are blocking you from the content on the page.

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Right-click on the entries you want to disable. You will need to right-click the entries in the code, as opposed to right-clicking on the objects in the website. Select “Disable element” or “Delete node” to remove that object from the website.

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Repeat this for all survey elements. Besides removing the survey itself, you’ll have to remove the overlay which prevents you from interacting with the content underneath. Removing the overlay will “lighten” the page, allowing you to click objects underneath the overlay.[3]
  • Deleting the overlay can cause your scroll bars to be removed. You can work around this by using a mouse with a scrolling function.

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